Theology, Catechism Chris Corbin Theology, Catechism Chris Corbin

On the Effects of Sin

Sin got discussed when talking about human nature, but now the Catechism turns specifically to Sin and what redemption from Sin looks like. Having discussed the nature of Sin and sins earlier, this post looks at the effects of Sin on human life.

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Catechism, Theology Chris Corbin Catechism, Theology Chris Corbin

On God’s First Help

The final two questions of the section from the 1979 Catechism offer greater insight into the purpose of this first section on human nature. In particular, the final question implies both the effects of Sin on our knowledge of God as well as how God can be known by humans under the conditions of Sin.

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Catechism, Theology Chris Corbin Catechism, Theology Chris Corbin

On Misusing Freedom

This entry on the 1979 Catechism brings us to the question of why humans beings, created in the image of God, do not live as we were created to. Looking at the two questions and answers about human nature related to Sin, this post looks at how it is that it is possible for humans to misuse their freedom and why all of us in fact do.

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