On the Image of the Invisible God
The section on God the Son begins with an explanation of how Jesus is the perfect icon or image of God and how this reveals God’s character as above all love. This post turns to how this is profoundly true and deceptively simple in its explanation.
On the Messiah
Affirmation of Jesus as the Messiah or anointed one of Israel was central to the faith of early Christians, but the rendering of this title using the Greek word Christ or christos (rather than a translation) may prevent modern Christians from seeing how all pervasive that ascription was. This installment in commentary on the 1979 Catechism offers background and insight in the significance of understanding Jesus as the Messiah.
On the Ten Commandments
Moving to the fourth section of the 1979 Catechism, we arrive at the Ten Commandments. These are the foundation of Christian life together, and, indeed the hoped for foundation of all flourishing human community. This post gives and overview of the significance of the Ten Commandments seen as a whole in the Christian tradition.
On Where the Old Covenant is Found
The 1979 Catechism’s section on the Old Covenant concludes with where this covenant is found and how to best know God’s will. This post turns to why language of the Old Testament is still appropriate for the location of the Old Covenant and why the Ten Commandments are the clearest explanation of God’s will to us.
On the Promises of the Old Covenant
The questions and answers in the 1979 Catechism about the Old Covenant continue with a discussion of what God has promised and what is expected of people. This post looks at the particular way of construing the Old Covenant from the Catechism makes use of a distinctly prophetic interpretation and how that connects to Jesus for Christians.
On Covenants
Our exploration of the Catechism comes to the third section dealing with the Old Covenant. This first entry in this section talks about the multiple covenants presented in the Old Testament as well as the different kinds of covenants represented throughout the Bible.
On Revelation to a Covenant Community
The last question from the 1979 Catechism dealing with God the Father explores where revelation takes place. In this post, the focus is on the covenant communities that stand behind the Bible and the Bible's emerging from the experiences of God in history by these communities.